This is the life force energy that does the healing work for you. It may feel like a breeze or most likely a warmth and possibly a tingling sensation. You can also try your wrist as it is a very sensitive area as well. Take your hand and place it over or on top of the spiral and you will feel some kind of sensation on your hand. Shortly after your purchase you will find that when you place your hand over the spiral in the center of the page there is an energy present. Print out the image above and set it up somewhere in your home where it won’t be disturbed.

This is a real working radionics machine that can energy heal your pains and other conditions such as colds, flu, and mostly any other ailment you try it out on. Campbell and Symbolic Hieronymous Machines and the Wiki article on Radionics. In the course of Campbell’s investigation he found that even just using a schematic of a radionics machine worked just as well as the actual physical radionics box.įor more information about radionics machines please refer to these pages: John W.

Campbell began to experiment with his own radionics machine and found that it worked even when it was broken or mistakenly unplugged leading to the belief that it was not necessarily the machine that had much of an effect but instead it was the psychic connection to the patient as well as focused intent that lead to the machine’s positive results. He used this device successfully on many patients to help heal them of their illnesses. When he connected this device to his patient he had to turn a series of knobs in order to get a “rate” which turned out to be a psychic connection to the target. It was an electrical device that would measure, transmit or dispel “eloptic energy,” a type of radiation that he felt had healing powers. The original radionics machine was invented by Thomas Galen Hieronymus in 1949. It’s not just for pain and it actually works better than The Paper Radionics Machine. With this new method, The ‘Heal Yourself’ Pain Relief Method, you will be able to do energy healing on yourself for any physical bodily issue you are currently having. Update: Learn how you can heal your own pain and other issues. Not Currently Available for New Subscriptions What are thought forms, energy balls, Psionic energy…? Please see my Manifestation Paper Radionics Machine that will help you manifest almost anything else you want. This radionics machine was created mainly for healing. It may seem unlikely that this is even possible but if you want to give it a try I’m sure you’ll amaze yourself as well as anyone else you decide to experiment on. Other paper radionics machines have been created before but none as simple as I am about to show you here. This is a real working paper radionics machine that actually works.